What is SAM Shelfware Syndrome and have you got it?
SAM Shelfware Syndrome is when you have deployed a SAM tool and it’s no longer used. If you’re not there yet, you may have symptoms that are leading you to its ultimate demise.
Self-diagnosis is easy but beware of suggested cures, they could be very expensive. Have you:
- Installed one or more discovery tools but still don’t seem to be able to get accurate data?
- Paid for a discovery or license management tool that was installed but is no longer used?
- Deployed and use SCCM but have another discovery tool?
- Started to consider another tool to help manage SAM?
- Subscribed to a managed service but don’t seem to be getting value?
If you answer yes to any of the above, you’re likely to have or be leading toward SAM Shelfware Syndrome (and quite probably General Shelfware Syndrome as a side effect) Is the cure a new, shinier SAM tool? Probably not, so before you go ahead and sink more money into what could turn out to be more Shelfware, get a truly independent review to make sure your next step is the right one. It could save you tens, if not hundreds of thousands of pounds.
Please share your views on SAM Shelfware
We’re compiling a Whitepaper on how SAM tools can become Shelfware if not installed and used correctly. However, what we really need are the views from those who have purchased and used these tools. Your feedback is appreciated and once the document is complete we will gladly send you a copy, so to help, please complete our short survey (you could also win £250 of Amazon vouchers).
Take the SAM Shelfware survey here