The Trinity
of ITAM Success

Trininty of ITAM Success

The Trinity of ITAM Success

ITAM is responsible for managing all of an organisation’s IT assets, be they hardware, software or people. ITAM implements processes that manage the request, approval, acquisition, tracking, control, optimisation, reporting and disposal of these assets; ITAM effectively defines the lifecycle for the management of IT assets.

The problem is, many companies put a low priority on managing their IT and software assets properly and expose themselves to significant risk and unnecessary cost.


In this document we explore what appears to be a common approach to ITAM, whereby organisations focus on a tool centric approach and as a result fail to deliver an ITAM solution that works. It then builds to explain more about other vital areas of this management discipline, that are imperative to be able to deliver effective ITAM.

ITAM is unique to each organisation, with numerous factors determining what is the right solution to meet individual business needs. The ITAM Maturity Model is briefly explored to provide insight on what journey across this model would best suit your organisation.

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