Using the services of a specialist Software Asset Management firm can take a huge amount of strain off you and your business and provide additional benefits into the process. While you have to pay a fee to use these companies’ services, the benefits and expertise they provide, more than make up for the costs incurred. Experts such as LMO Consultancy Ltd have the knowledge, skills and expertise to reduce hassle, stress and costs for businesses.

Here are 5 key reasons why you should use our services:

Saving time
If your organisation is spending considerable amounts of time trying to keep track of its licence requirements, it is highly likely that your co-workers are not being productive in other key areas. Employing the services of one of our experts can save you, your colleagues and your business a significant amount of time.

Less Stress
Licencing is a black art and can be incredibly stressful if you are not 100% sure in what you are doing. With vendors changing their licence programmes and product user rights daily, it is not hard to understand why most organisations dread the task of managing their compliance obligations and, why those that are responsible, are stressed out. When you delegate this to one of our experts you immediately alleviate this stress and inconvenience.

Minimise Disruption
It is a business manager’s nightmare to suddenly receive a letter form a vendor requesting a comprehensive audit. Many organisations fail to keep detailed license records, therefore, when the letter arrives, this causes huge disruption in business operations when key personnel are diverted to support and respond to the audit. By employing the on-going services of one of our experts, you can be rest assured that your business is in a state of readiness, subsequently, allowing you to sleep well at night.

Reduce Errors
Not having the time and skills to maintain the organisation’s software licence management requirements, can result in having incomplete and inaccurate records. Consequently, this leads to misrepresentation and incorrect purchasing decisions being made and could end up costing your business dearly. When one of our licensing experts is commissioned to maintain your records, you can rest knowing that you records are complete and accurate and your strategic decisions are being based on fact not fiction.

Save Money
Our license experts know everything there is to know about complex licence agreements and product user rights, which means that they can help your business to save money. With comprehensive licence records and a clear understanding of what your organisation has deployed, we can ensure that your business only buys the licences it needs, that they are purchased under the most cost efficient agreements and that there rights have been consumed in the most cost effective manner.

To learn more about how our services can help you take control of software licencing and deliver significant cost savings to your organisation, please:

Contact Us
Speak to one of our licencing experts today:
+44 1904 567 997